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0510 - 8855 9911

ADD: No.8 Nanfeng First Road , Xin那村wu District, Wuxi, Jiangsu, 火快China
TEL: 13771109800 / 13901517878
TEL: +86 510 8855 991秒歌1
FAX: +86 510 8501 1198
EMAIL: office@haidastenter.com
SITE: haidastenter.com

ASMA503 series stenter

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Remote operation

● Check operating data of the equip間聽ment at any time with computer o理畫r mobile phone.
● Manage energy consumption and impro北你ve energy efficiency.
● Statistics of energy co身這nsumption in a given per兵頻iod.
● Trace quality problems, upg弟風rade technical level and outp票銀ut efficiency.